Jars arrived at 10am at NAIA
They are now on their way to CEBU!!!
Now the home of Who We Are Instead - the Pinoy Fans Club of Jars of Clay!
They are now on their way to CEBU!!!
Posted by
9:46 PM
Monday Night : I'll be in Shangri-la EDSA Plaza Mall, the MRT Level. Coffee Beanery (tapat ng Cravings), 6:30-closing time. Go there if you want tickets and the Free Live CDs and Sunny Days Single.
Posted by
9:43 PM
Get a FREE "Sunny Days" CD Single-Not available in stores for each ticket in the 2350, 2050 and 1650 sections! Limited Copies only
Posted by
9:39 PM
Promo 1
If you're in a band(any), you & your crew get 10% discount! You deserve to listen to Jars!!
Promo 2
If you're in a Ministry/ChurchGroup/YouthGroups/SinglesGroup/Community/Fellowship/ Christian Band/..
and get at least 10 tickets. You all get:
10% discount &
an automatic upgrade to the next level, if there are seats available - (if none available, you just get the 10% off,).
Now I'm sure you can afford this:
pay 315 and you get a 500 ticket
pay 450 and you get a reserved seat 950 ticket
pay 855 and you get a reserved seat 1250 ticket
pay 1125 and you get a reserved seat 1450 ticket
pay 1305 and you get a reserved seat 1650 ticket
pay 1485 and you get a reserved seat 2050 ticket
pay 1845 and you get a reserved seat 2350 ticket -- FRONT ROW!
Just make sure you're 10 or more and involved in Ministry!
This offer is effective today and here only!
Text 0918-929-4002 or email jomar.hilario@gmail.com
HURRY! not much tickets left in blocks of 10.
The inquisitive of you are now reading this and wondering WHY O WHY make an offer like this NOW? Very simple...Jars Management wants to sell out the whole concert so as to minister to as many people as possible. Me too. Wouldn't you? : ) See you there!!
Oh if you're still reading this...all tickets above STILL gets a free CD!
Posted by
12:30 AM
To see how someone who's waited 10 years to hear this band,
read the article here.
Posted by
11:48 PM
You are ALL invited to the Jars of Clay Fans EyeBall on Saturday, Feb 19, 5-7pm at Shakey's Tomas Morato, Quezon.City.
You can bring your friends. The Sunny Day CD singles will be given away. Concert tickets will be sold too.
Please bring money for ordering of food. Yes KKB po.
Here's how to go there:
1. Go to MRT Quezon Ave.
2. On the bottom. Mcdo side, walk south-bound until you see tricycles.
3. Tell the driver to bring you to Shakey's Morato. Pay him P20. That's why you should bring friends.
SEE YOU ALL!!! SAYANG CD SINGLES ng JARS kung wala kayo dun!
Posted by
11:57 PM
1. What are the ticket prices can i reserve seats for?
950 1250 1450 1650 2050 2050 2350
2. What ticket prices are first come / first serve?
350 500
3. Why are there TWO 2050 ticket prices?
a. Patron B - on the stadium floor.
b. Lower Box Special, the reason being its the very center of the lower box and is elevated, giving you a better view of the Dan and the Band.
4. Why are the ticket prices like Nokia phone unit numbers?
5. What's with this FREE CD I'm hearing about? And how can I get them?
There are two free cds circulating:
a. One is the Official CD Single of "Sunny Days" that could be won by joining radio contests or joining the several Jars Pre-Events like the GCF events and the Who We Are instead/Jars Fans EB (w/c is open to the public). Read further for more information. The radio stations JAM 88.3, NU107 are doing the promos.
b. The other is the Live Jars of Clay CD being offerred for free for every ticket purchased by emailing jomar.hilario@gmail.com or visiting http://jarsofclayshowyoulove.blogspot.com, and getting your hands dirty by ordering via its TAGBOARD w/c is essentially the same thing. This CD is also called a LIVE BOOTLEG. Concert songs put in CD or tape made for enjoyment of fans and not pirates. This Live CD also includes about 300MB of bonus content. To be clear, its 1 CD = 1 Ticket of any price.
6. What is lowest/least known ticket price?
350 for general admission! In the posters, it is written "General Admission" so that's why this price is not known.
7. Who will be the front act in Cebu?
The question still remains. Who knows? maybe they'll do a Linkin Park and do the front act themselves! : )
9. How many songs are circulating on the radio by Jars of Clay?
2 new songs "Sunny Days" and "Show you love" and lots more of the old songs.
10.Where can I buy posters?
The posters are STILL for promo use as of the moment. Maybe you should check Ebay in a few weeks.
11.What Jars of Clay meetups/EB/Gmiks can I attend?
There's one on Saturday, Feb 19, 5-7pm at Shakey's Tomas Morato, Quezon.City. Its open to the fans and their friends and kadas. The Sunny Day singles will be given away. Concert tickets will be sold too.
12.Where can I buy my tickets aside from Ticketnet?
a. University Belt area: email Ida/svcf/U.P.Manila or Juvy/U.P.Manila
b. Forbes Park: Parish Office, Sanctuario De San Antonio. just inquire inside.
c. St Lukes Area: c/o Viva, The Student Council President
d. Makati and elsewhere: Text: 0918-929-4002 or email: Jomar.hilaro@gmail.com
e. Campus Crusade for Christ/CCC or Quezon City:
look for Ate Bituin: 02-374-6750, 0917-5016235
Note: the above ticket outlets ALONE issue out the FREE LIVE CDs.
13. What songs will the band sing?
For sure, they'll sing Sunny Days. Show You Love, Tea and Sympathy and Candles, Candles, Candles, Candles, Candles, (And lots more!)
14. Can I bring a camera/digital recorder in the concert?
Official policy of Araneta is you cannot. Policies have not taken into consideration that almost everyone has a camera phone..some with 1 hr recording ability. The world is indeed changing.
15. What is The EDGE FM in the posters? Haven't heard of this in the radio.
Its a new radio station that plays exclusively good quality Christian music ONLY. Its now internet streaming at http://www.theedgeradio.net and via Dream Satellite's Radio Stations (w/c reaches beyond the Philippines). The Edge is broadcasting from Makati and is brought to you by the same people who gave you NU107's Against the Flow.
Posted by
11:31 PM
Jars of Clay began at Greenville College in Greenville, IL when four young lads met and discovered friendship through music. They were majors in "Contemporary Christian Music", a somewhat recent department in the college.
Charlie Lowell, Dan Haseltine and Matt Bronleewe had been there for the year of 1992 and played in various bands as well as producing their own studio projects.
These bands included Chrysalis, Jazon, Yellow #7, Second Level, and many other school bands involving students from the CCM department as well as others. When Stephen Mason appeared on the scene in september of 1993, and had similar interests in music, the guys decided to write a song together, "just for fun". Dan had met Stephen because he had a Toad the Wet Sprocket shirt on, a band which they both admired for their unique sound.
The band wrote and recorded a song called "Fade to Grey", which included many drum loops and samples, a very techno-oriented song. It was simply a studio project for credit in a recording class. Their friends enjoyed the song and they performed it in late October for a college cafe called the "Underground Cafe", which they had put together to raise money for homeless shelters and jail ministries.
The "Underground" was the dormitory that the vast majority of music majors inhabited. The band continued classes and when they found more time, decided to play "Little Drummer Boy" for the Underground Cafe on December 7th, as it was nearing Christmas time. A strange and distorted version of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was also played impromptu this evening, to the tune of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
Following Christmas vacation, the four of them decided they'd like to write additional songs to add to their live repertoire and satisfy the requirements of their recording studio class, but thought it would be appropriate to give a name to these collaborations.
Charlie recalled a Bible verse he had read which discussed the frailty of man, and the irony that this amazing life has been breathed into our frail, physical bodies by our Lord. This passage, which related the struggles of man and the testing of our wills and bodies, which ultimately provides us the strength to endure the hardships of life, included the phrase "Jars of Clay". The phrase was penned by the Apostle Paul, and was from 2 Corinthians, chapter four verse seven:
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us".
The band thought that was a good way to keep themselves humble- to have a band name that would force them to continually realize that all of their blessings had come from God, including this talent to write songs that their classmates enjoyed. So in January of 1994, Jars of Clay was born.
Posted by
10:15 AM
Click here to answer and weep. I know somebody can do something better than this!
Posted by
1:46 AM
So far 3 kinds of posters have been distributed in U-belt: PNU, UP Diliman,UP Los Banos,UP Manila, DLSU (hey tina, approved na ba?), PUP, MAPUA, PLM (this one's confirmed, thanks kootchi!), ATENEO, UA&P, St Lukes Area (c/o Student Coucil Prez Viva, thanks!), Bulacan, TayTay, Rizal, Robinson's Galleria (front-the catholic store)- if you can see any of the posters can you please tell us in the tag board below or email me. : )
You should also be able to see it in any CCC, Agape, SVCF tambayans. : )
For tickets, you can approach the following:
Campus Crusade for Christ: Ate Bituin
UP Manila/State Varsity Christian Fellowship: Ida
Agape UP Manila: Peter
St Lukes Med School: Viva, the Student Coucil President
UP Los Banos: Neenah Hilario of Dev Comm
They will also give you the FREE CD. Remember 1 Ticket = 1 Cd regardless of price, kahit "irregardless" ang gamitin mo - basta 1 ticket = 1 cd. Okay? Go get your tickets!
Posted by
1:02 AM
the templates been changed to this site..maybe it was attacked, who knows? too bad i keep backups. : ) so if you posted something in the tagboard but its now missing, please post again..because i don't know where it went! : )
Any way, please forward this powerpoint presentation to all you know as our own brand of viral marketing! Its a 3 slide presentation about the concert. Its creativity at 3am!
Posted by
8:35 PM
Full Name: Daniel Paul Haseltine
First Song (& Age Written): The first song I wrote was called "Suicide Note" and was actually a song written for a church youth group album called Youth Sing in central Florida. I was fifteen, I think.
Favorite Sports Team: The Tennessee Titans
Have you read any good books lately? This will sound really sad, but I've been out of reading for about a year now. I've picked up a couple of things here and there. There's a book called The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge about drawing closer to the heart of God.
What are you learning from this book? I'm learning how to read a little bit quicker, so that I can get through it. No, I grew up in a church that had a lot of really bad theology, so I've been really interested in learning a lot of the basics again, reminding myself of the gospel, the heart of that. This is a really good book that gives a good solid foundation of faith.
What's in your CD player right now? Wilco's Summer Teeth, Vertical Horizon's Everything You Need and The Soft Bulletin from The Flaming Lips.
Favorite Bible Verse: II Corinthians 4:7, which is where we got our name. It's kind of a cop out, but it says so well what we are, the human race, what we're about, how fragile we are and how much we need God. It says so much about what God has done, that that's what matters and not what we do. That's really it.
More: click here.
Posted by
8:11 AM
hi. i wanted to put this into an EXCEL file that you can pass around but since time's not permitting, just show this to you...and give the answers tomorrow!
Guess the REAL Jars of Clay songs alluded to:
1. Profusely Timorous
2. Inundating Natural Disaster
3. Impatient of control or advice
4. Clinically Measured in a Gloomy State
5. Unmerited favor and mercy
6. Asylum Era
7. Your emotional commitment isn't like any other I know
8. Litany
9. Not that what rules on MTV
10. Conclusive renowned exhortations
11. State of Matter
12. Waxen Wick Waxen Wick Waxen Wick Waxen Wick Waxen Wick
13. A linear measure determining the height of horses
14. Diminutive Male With an Inclination Toward Syncopation
15. Questioning the Purpose of Maintaining an Upright Alignment of Bodily Parts
16. Outpouring dedication to the first Roman Emperor to legally support Christianity
17. Particular Structure Maintained for Taking a Load Off
18. Suspension of a Dude From a Pliable Cable
19. See ya around and pleasant dreams
20. Tinted Apertures Made of a Silicate Derivative with a Mauve Hue
Posted by
11:04 PM
the general admission tickets are P 350. You can buy from me. Spread the word.
Posted by
7:29 PM
Interview of Dan Haseltine, lead singer, Jars of Clay
Robin: There are those who strongly oppose the idea of Christians performing -- or perhaps even existing -- in a place outside of what they are familiar with. How do you respond when you encounter someone like this? And I don't mean that in a hypothetical way -- what do you actually say to these people when it really happens?
Dan: I suppose I have responded to people differently throughout the years. I have often tried to explain the idea of God as a very unsafe and wild being. What about love is safe? What about love communicates that it only likes to exist in places where comfort reigns? The love I put my hope in is wild and unpredictable. It is a love that shines into darkness. It is a light that makes itself known in the dark night of the soul and in the midst of suffering. It goes places I would never be caught in. It is in the brothel and the leper colony. It finds its way into the hearts of convicts and hardened pastors. So why would anyone ever presume that we, the body of Christ, the conduits of this love, would only be able to exist within the walls of our comfortable churches? I would even contend that if it were not for God coming into places where these Christian people think are inappropriate, they themselves might not know Christ or redemption and salvation!
Click to continue interview in the "The New Roaring Lambs Movement" Article by Cmcentral.
Posted by
2:43 AM
The Free Live CD that comes with tickets from this website is not an official
release but an audio compilation taken from the mp3s from the Official jars
of clay site:
If you insert it into a cd player. you'll hear:
1. Trouble Is
2. Crazy Times
3. Sunny Day
4. Frail
5. World's Apart (With Jesus Blood Has Never Failed Me Yet)
6. The Valley Song
7. Revolution
Plus, if you insert it into a PC/Computer, you'll get:
1. the mp3s of the songs above
2. mp3s of other Christian Artists that sound like Jars or are as good as
them. Mostly undiscovered territory - ready for you to find.
3. midi/ring tones of selected jars songs (complete songs)
4. pictures of jars of clay members + mementoes of the araneta concert
5. a simple custom video of "Show You Love". You'll need Windows Media
Player 9 for this.
6. a sneak preview of Dan Haseltine talking about 1000 wells, their new
mission to Africa.
7. lyrics and chords to selected songs, lyrics to all of the songs on Who We
Are Instead.
8. most of their videos in Quicktime Format.
Posted by
12:18 AM
Before we go into the article, lets introduce....
Charlie Lowell, Keyboards, vocals, accordion,
From New York, Birthday: October 21, 1973
Now, what songs have jars sung but was made by other artists? Look at this strange strange list.
Ordinary World - Duran Duran: Sometime in the early days of playing coffeehouses in late 1993 or early 1994.
Mad About You - Sting: Sometime in the early days of playing coffeehouses in late 1993 or early 1994.
Crazy - Seal: Sometime in the early days of playing coffeehouses in late 1993 or early 1994.
Daughter - Pearl Jam: Sometime in the early days of playing coffeehouses in late 1993 or early 1994.
You've Got a Friend - James Taylor: Sometime in 1993 or 1994.
Both Belong - The Grays: Sometime in 1993 or 1994.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (to the tune of Smells Like Teen Spirit): 12/07/1993, Greenville, IL, and other unknown Greenville coffehouse performances. Also played around Christmas 1999 and 2000.
Walk On the Ocean - Toad the Wet Sprocket: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
I Don't Mind at All - Bourgeois Tagg: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
Regret - New Order: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
All the Way Home - 3rd Matinee: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
Nightingale Song - Toad the Wet Sprocket: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
Last Train to Clarksville - Monkee's: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - REM: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
That Kind of Love - PFR: 9/29/1994, Clarksville, TN
Step by Step - Rich Mullins: Performed numerous times during the mid-to-late 1995 tour.
Crazy Love - Poco: 6/22/1996, Atlanta, GA - Live on 99X FM and some other unknown performance included on Front Yard Luge.
Crazy Train - Ozzy Ozbourne (first verse and chorus only): Numerous dates in 1996, 4/21/2002, Nashville, TN, and 1/11/2003, Holland, MI.
Happy Birthday (to Matt Odmark's younger brother): 8/24/1996, Lancaster, PA
Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows - Petra: Started playing in mid-1996, played throughout 1997, and during Bubblemaker's Dream Tour, Spring Leg, in 1998.
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem (Traditional): 11/26/1996, Nashville, TN
Fire and Rain - James Taylor: Much Afraid promo party in Oregon in 1997 and sometime in 1993 or 1994.
Country Roads - John Denver: Bubblemaker's Dream Tour in 1997-1998; Tour 101 in Fall 1998; played occasionally since then.
God Only Knows - Beach Boys: Bubblemaker's Dream Tour, Spring Leg in 1998.
Dukes of Hazard Theme Song: Tour 101 in Fall 1998; played occasionally since then.
1999 - Prince: 12/31/1998, Greensboro, NC
No Matter What - Badfinger: Bubblemaker's Dream Tour, Spring Leg in 1998; Tour 101 in Fall 1998; Summer festivals 1999
Swingtown - Steve Miller Band: Summer festivals 1999; Unforgetful Gifts Club Tour, Winter 1999
Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers: Colliding Rhinos Tour, Fall 2000
Life In a Northern Town - Dream Academy: Tagged onto the end of I Need You on 11/18/2001, Nashville, TN, and played the same way throughout 2002.
Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper: Fall leg of the Eleventh Hour tour, starting with 10/4/2002, Cedarville, OH. Played once in a while during 2003 Acoustic Tour.
Hello Again - Neil Diamond: 2/25/2003, Murray, KY and 3/13/2003, Bristol, TN.
Won't You Be My Neighbor - Fred Rogers: 2/27/2003, Elkhart, IN and 2/28/2003, Anderson, IN.
Open Arms - Journey: 4/12/2003, West Palm Beach, FL.
Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi: 4/12/2003, West Palm Beach, FL.
Free Fallin' - Tom Petty: 4/12/2003, West Palm Beach, FL.
Show the Way - David Wilcox: 2/24/2004, Fletcher, NC.
Lonely People - America. Part of Who We Are Instead Album
Posted by
10:52 PM
1. What is the chant in the first part of the song Liquid?
2. Which Bible verse does the name "Jars of Clay" come from?
3. What is the song "4-7" about?
4. What does the little girl say on "Like a Child"?
5. Are any of the guys "papa-ble"/single?
6. Who are the band members?
7. Who are their Spiritual Influences?
8. What is "Tea and Sympathy" all about?
Answers (and more questions) are here!
Posted by
5:48 PM
Who is Jars of Clay? Find out here!
MSN Jars of Clay Page
BloodWater Mission: The Foundation of Jars of Clay
1000 Wells-African Mission
UBL Artist direct Jars of Clay Page
Jars of Clay Yahoo Launch Page
Amazon Jars of Clay Page
Cmusic Archive
Christianity Today
Jamsline Biography
VH1 Jars of Clay
Jarchives - Huge Jars of Clay Fan Site
Posted by
1:38 AM
Bo Sanchez writes about Jars of Clay in his personal newsletter.
Friends, its unbelievable but true.
(Sometimes, I slap myself on the face wondering if I’m dreaming or not.)
We got JARS OF CLAY to come to Manila and Cebu!
Okay, some of you are jumping up and down and going hysterical.
Others are scratching their heads and saying, “Uh… jars of what?”
For those who’re going hysterical, I don’t need to explain. Run and grab your tickets from SM Ticketnet outlets in Metro Manila and in Kaona Grill at the Cebu Business Park. Concert dates: Feb 28 (Cebu, B.R.I.G.H.T Academy) and March 2 (Araneta Coliseum). Hey, don’t drive too fast! Take five deep breaths first.
For those who are scratching their heads, let me introduce them to you.
JARS OF CLAY is a Christian band who are very, very, very big—legends in the industry. They’ve sold over five million records and have too-many-to-count Grammy awards.
So if you like great music—catch them “live”!
You can write me at bomarowe@info.com.ph
I remain your friend,
Bo Sanchez
Posted by
1:53 AM
Posted by
1:48 AM